Member-only story
Crimson Hail and the Secrets of Valour — Chapter 11.b: A game of Hilasteron
After eating and spending time researching his purchases, Crimson discovered that a Neck-V was something that was attached to the base of the neck and transmitted sound through vibrations, a bit like headphones. He managed to integrate it with Darwin so he wouldn’t need his wristband at all when his armour was on, which was useful since it would be covered. Armour tinkering done, he slipped it on and flew excitedly to his lesson. Once at the gymnasium he was shocked to see the person expecting him was not Tal Mishna but a young man.
‘Hi, you must be Crimson,’ the person said with a smile and a wave.
‘Hi.’ Crimson replied with a look of confusion. ‘What’s going on? Where’s Tal Mishna?’
‘I’m not sure. She said she wouldn’t be able to come so asked me to take this lesson. I’m Mishna’s nephew, Thais, nice to meet you.’ The pair shook hands. ‘My aunt wanted you to learn how to play Hilasteron so I thought you could tag along and watch my team practise. Is that okay?’ Crimson was taken back by Thais’ friendliness. It was refreshing, considering how rude the man at the store was earlier.
‘Sounds good, what do I need to bring?’
‘Just yourself, and your armour,’ Thais replied with a smile.
The two made their way to the fields on the roof of the building. Once there, Crimson spotted a group of students of different shapes and sizes in the distance, he spotted a few…